Monday, February 16, 2009

Thanks to swiki!

UPDATE: well... pages from that website selling the book are taking up half of the front page and the votes (my blog had 3 votes) appear to have been uniformely removed (no hits seem to have votes at this point...) I wonder what's going on... oh... I just noticed "the author" of this swiki is the author of that book...hmmm... isn't that a conflict of interest? oh, well... I'm just going to ignore these things from now on (I got good enough rankings, anyhow... for a "homemade," no ads, no promotion, no anything --> it's only the content and that feels good!) D.


I don't know what happen but my blog is currently the second top hit for "craigslist" (just plain "craigslist", not "craigslist criticism").


P.S. I'll try to not let it go to my head... (too much...) :) D.

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